# of watchers: 6
| D20: 20 |
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Main Characters: Titus Batiatus Paterfamilias Quintus Batiatus Ludus Dominus Lucretia Batiatus Ludus Domina Gannicus current Champion of Capua Oenomaus Doctore Spartacus Crixus | Primary Characters: Ashur Tullius Solonius Varro Dagan | Ilythia Glaber Barca Naevia Melitta Mira |
My Rules are few: Godmoding is only allowed WITH PERMISSION! Check your spelling before submitting your comment. I WILL DELETE IT! no short text; make your responses worth reading. if you are dominus/a or peterfamilias, you command all gladiators and slaves Sex goes onto your own wiki | Members: 1.owner [MadHatress] 2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] 3.[Tis gone but never gone] 4.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife] 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. |
2011-03-08 [MadHatress]: lol sucks when that happens.
I had a roleplay for Sweeney Todd; but it didn't get going, so it's sitting in my notes :/
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: I have a few rpgs that I haven't started yet just sitting in my notes lol
Ohhh a Sweeney Todd one? Sounds intersting :)
2011-03-08 [MadHatress]: yup!
2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: I love that movie :D It was soo good and Jonny Depp was just so HOT in it :D
2011-03-09 [MadHatress]: I KNOW RIGHT!? he's starting to look his age though...
2011-03-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: But he still hot *dies cause he too hot*
2011-03-09 [MadHatress]: lol agreed
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: hrm
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: need... more... people
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: heh lol
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *humps* >>
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: wtf? you can't hump me! lol
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: What you gonna do about it ^^
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: make lucretia sleep with Crixus all night long lmao
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: She'll....do that anyway?
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: not really
Seriously? 2 main characters?
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I'm gonna get more!]
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: you're not playing as father and son. AND Spartacus. I'm not fond of that. PICK ONE
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: thank you.
wouldn't make sense if the end of the RP came... because it would only be you commenting for the most part.
2011-03-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Very true...
2011-03-12 [MadHatress]: Mmhm
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